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The chapters that are included in Love, Mom are friendship, family, education, finances, love, marriage, faith, and death. Submit your letter

Meet the editor and the photographer.

All women that submit letters to be considered for Love, Mom are unique in their own right.

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Teach me the wisdon of laughter
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  Chapter on Family
Chris Makins

Hi my favorite sweethearts

Yesterday someone told us-again- how lucky we are as a family. We smiled and nodded our heads, but in reality, luck is a very small part of what we’re all about. We’ve talked before about our family and why people think we’re lucky, but I’d like to put my own thoughts down in this letter.

I’ve shared my upbringing with you and, although I was loved, it was a conditional love that gave way to a lot of confusion and not being sure about who I was or what I was about. My promise to you- and to myself when you were born- was that I would love you unconditionally, showing and telling you each day, by example, with hugs and kisses, communication and laughter, through arguments and tears, how very special and unique you are.

We’re still working on parenting. As parents we continue to make mistakes and try to apologize when we are wrong. We want you to know that we’re not perfect just because we’re adults and parents, that life is a learning experience for us as well. What we are trying to instill in you is that it’s okay to make mistakes and that the best thing about making them is that we can learn from them, using them as stepping stones to becoming better individuals and family members.

I think the main ingredients in our family are love, respect and passion. The love we share with each other and the love we have for ourselves shape how we approach life outside our home. You know my definition of love-it’s a work in progress. It grows changes shape, sometimes lies dormant, sometimes surprises us with its intensity and always, always fills us with a sense of acceptance, trust, comfort, and warmth.

Respect is a major component of love. We want you to have your own opinions and thoughts and feel comfortable enough to discuss them in a non-judgmental environment. We want you to be critical thinkers-to be able to see both sides of an issue and make your own decisions or conclusions while acknowledging the other person’s point of view. My strong belief is that the respect we show for others should begin with respect for each other in our home. We work very hard in this area.

Passion- I think we live our lives with passion. That’s not to say we don’t have our troublesome times, our down days, but it does say that we have such a zest for living, finding joy in being with each other, that it’s contagious. We are principled in our beliefs and attempt to be leaders rather than followers when we see a need for change. We try to be conscious of seeing the positive rather than the negative. Does this mean we’re lucky? No. It means we work hard at being a family.

So, my beautiful daughters, my wish is that as you grow and experience life, you take our values and improve upon them, utilizing them every day of your lives. I hope you continue to embrace life with love and experience it with passion. I will love you forever.

Love Mom